“Offering Christ-centered experiences that reveal our place in God’s story”
Core Values
- Biblically Based – We believe that the Bible is inspired by God and written by man. There are no mistakes or errors in the Bible. The Scripture is upheld as the ultimate guide in life and decision making. The Bible is the foundation for transformation and growth in the lives of individuals. At RGC, the Scripture is presented in a relevant manner and as God’s written Word, and we’re committed to the essentials of Christian faith, working to please a soon-returning Lord.
- Family Focused – Rhodes Grove promotes generations interacting and strives to create opportunities for family memories to be made together. Spouses and children of employees are always welcomed, being regarded as a vital part of the Rhodes Grove organization. We offer recreational options, programming and lodging locations for people of all ages and seek to respect the camp’s heritage and embrace the new.
- Community Connected – In the Bible, God calls us to be His Ambassadors. We want Rhodes Grove to be an embassy for Jesus where families in our community and surrounding areas may come and find rest and refreshment and to learn more from God and learn about Him. Rhodes Grove also seeks to remain connected in such ways as being associated with other Christian camps and intentionally serving interdenominational and intercultural churches. Rhodes Grove is committed to participating in and hosting community activities such as public meetings, neighborhood events, and partnering with local schools and other non-profit organizations.
- Ministry Minded – Everything we do at Rhodes Grove seeks to develop Jesus followers. We want to meet the needs of people spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and socially. By applying God’s truth in all areas of life, Rhodes Grove fosters an environment for changed lives encompassing the mind, body, and soul in a loving and caring setting.
Confession of Faith
We declare and confess before all people that we believe in…
…The Holy Trinity: We believe in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that these three are one–the Father in the Son, the Son in the Father, and the Holy Spirit equal with both. We believe that this God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, things visible as well as invisible, and furthermore He sustains, governs, protects, and supports the same.
…Jesus Christ: We believe in Jesus Christ, that He is both God and human. We believe that He became incarnate by the power of the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary and was born of her. We believe that He is the Savior and Mediator of all humanity, if they accept the grace offered in Jesus with full faith in Him. We believe that Jesus suffered and died on the cross for us, was buried, arose again on the third day, ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God to intercede for us. We believe He shall come again at the last day to judge the living and the dead.
…The Holy Spirit: We believe in the Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide, that He is equal in being with the Father and the Son, and that He comforts the faithful and guides them into all truth.
…The Holy Bible: We believe that the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, that it reveals the only true way to our salvation. We believe that every Christian is obligated to acknowledge and receive it through the influence of the Holy Spirit as the only rule and guide.
…The Message of Redemption: We believe that without faith in Jesus Christ, true repentance, forgiveness of sins, and following after Christ, no one can be a true Christian. We believe that the message of redemption through Jesus Christ shall be preached throughout the world. We believe in the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.